Automatic office routine at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
The WEBRA 3.0 Workflow and office routine automatizer was handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the 15th of December 2006. Our solution meets the requirements of the related laws.
The purpose of the system is to ensure two types of electronic communication:
the clients of the Ministry fill in electronic forms available on the homepage of the Ministry (dialogue based, automatized office routine)
clients communicate with the system via digitally signed e-mails. (non-dialogue based automatized office routine).
The system meets the statutory requirements in supervision, and also in regards to required response and further requirements.
Two processes were modeled:
- Acknowledgement/Approval of certificates acquired abroad
- Dealing with applications for granting or renewing expertise licenses.
Clients of the Ministry can send in their applications related to the above mentioned processes on the Ministry homepage by filling in electronic forms. Within the simplified and rationalized frames of the workflow management system the clerks of the Ministry will examine, consider and answer the applications on the administration interface of our software.
The administration system contains the following parts and functions:
Multilevel authority- and access management: interconnected with the user administration. This provides the opportunity to create user groups with different access- and authority settings. Also, the access rights, such as "Read only", "Modify", "Copy", "Delete", to different system objects (forms, workflow processes, tasks, user data etc.) can be defined separately.