Procurer: Hungarian Tourism. Inc,
Business activity, profile: information providing in the field of tourism
Project duration: 1st half of 2009
Google’s local representatives announced launch of the new Google Map today. This localization means not only a mere translation, but providing content about Hungary with the help of Hungarian providers.
The National Touristic Database of Hungarian Tourism Inc. ( ) is one of the first data sources. The Webra 3.0 portal engine, product of AITIA Inc. transfers data about nearly 26,000 providers to Google in the form of a special XML feed.
Information appearing on the map
Thanks to the data collecting work of Hungarian Tourism Inc. and its more than 140 Tourinform Offices, the National Touristic Database is a most extensive and searchable database in Hungary. Regarding touristic information, we transfer the following categories to the Hungarian and English language Google Maps:
- Accommodation (8,500)
- Restaurants (5,000)
- Museums, sights, monuments (6,000)
- Events (2,000)
- Leisure, activities (1,850)
- Spa and wellness facilities (thermal springs, aqua parks, etc. 450)
- Natural resources
Each listing contains the following details:
Phone number(s) including area code
Website URL
Email address
Location (latitude and longitude)
Photo(s) and/or video(s)
Hours of operation
Accepted payment types
Accessibility information
Depending on service type, other information stored in the Touristic Database (editorial reviews, description, further subservices, admission prices etc.) appear as well on the listings’ data sheets.