The analyzing, modeling, rationalizing and accelerating of businesses processes has always been a challenge for enterprises. Webra Workflow and Form Management System is an effective application for eliminating difficulties of process management.
Webra Workflow Management System allows:
- Cooperation of portal visitors’ and co-workers’ in business processes
- On the fly process status tracking and resume of efficiency for administrators and co-workers with proper permissions
- Modeling, drawing new workflows integrated with web forms and other extant applicaitions by using the Workflow editor
The Workflow Management System was programmed entirely on the basis of Workflow Management Coalition ( standards so that to enable data change (XPDL import/export) with other programs and applications.
Web forms
On behalf of the Webra Form Editor, simple and complex web forms can be created as well.
In the figure below, a web form design can be seen: the header shows the following data: name of portal owner and the user logged in, and options for signout and editing user data.

A web form to fill in
In the right pane, Help option can be placed with optional content. Help text is free to be assigned to table fields, tables or even to the entire form.
Operation buttons in the form (Print, Save Draft, Save and Finalize) are placed above the form tables and stay fixed even when scrolling the form.
The system saves drafts automatically so that to avoid data loss even in case of more complex forms and internet connection failures. Timing of autosave can be easily configured to meet user needs and safety requirements.
By dividing the form to bigger parts separated with black stripes, the units can be colsed or reopened independently from each other. With the Cursor buttons it is possible to navigate amongst the table cells just like in MS Excel files.
Automatic summation and supervision methods can be defined. Cumulative rows will be calculated and filled in automatically by the system. When saving the filled in form, clickable warnings and notices appear in popups to inform us about wrong or missing data to minimize failures during work. Coherences and connections between tables and entire forms can also be defined in the system.
Workflow Editor
The workflow editor is based on Flash technology supporting the familiar drag&drop method to draw and model our workflow most easily. Icons indicate human activity and automatically running processes. Completing of the single processes in a workflow can be regulated by permission settings, schedules and deadlines. Considering the defined conditions, the system evaluates outputs and executes the transition between the single processes. Forms built with the Webra Form editor can also be assigned to processes and workflows.
User requests coming from other websites can also be integrated so that to speed up business communication and office routine with partners and customers. Quick and flawless service also means a competetive edge and increases inner effectivity.