Aim of the Culture portal is to aggregate mainstream events, artworks, critics, personalities, art-related news from Hungary and its neighborhood by collecting them from partners’ sites (,,,,, MTI, MTI FOTO, EPA) and using home resources as well.
During the redesign, our goal was that information, announcements and programs appearing on the site would be most perspicuous. To achieve this, modernizing and clearing-out of the design had been necessary.
When visiting the site, we surely find some news about all the mainstream events of the Hungarian cultural life in the following fields: literature, history, folk art, fine arts, handicrafts, dance and theatre performances, film and culture related politics.
 | | is not only useful when looking for a suitable outdoor program; we can stay home and read critics, essays about films or theaters’ shows, or browse interviews and portraits of artists whilst sitting back in a comfortable armchair.
The content of the portal is organized by topics. Each menu can be considered as a small microsite: when selecting these, information in the left and the right column is depending from the chosen topic. E.g.; by clicking on the Film menu, we can see Film muster, Toplists and Movie critics; whilst by selecting Fine arts, we will be informed about auction news and exhibitions when looking at the side columns.
Authors and editors of the site haven’t forgotten about the young generation either; programs, performances, shows and literature for children are waiting for the small visitors.
While redesigning the image of website, we have paid great attention to optimize the site for challenged users and for the followers of the latest technology as well. The portal can be viewed in accessible (high contrast) version, but the design is also suitable for visiting the site by using an Apple I-Phone for browsing.
Day by day, the articles on the website will be refreshed. 17 RSS channels inform the frequenters in Hungarian and in English as well.
For those who only have just a few minutes to find the ideal event for entertainment, the list of recommended events in the upper left corner is most useful besides the search box, which lists events from the database of
An English version containing the most important functions is also available at .
 | - search
 | - accessible version

optinized for iPhone as well